Service Learning
Throughout their tenure at Anser, students are taught to serve others in the classroom and beyond. Through an increased awareness of community challenges and needs, students feel empowered to make a difference.
Beginning in Kindergarten, all Anser students regularly perform community service as part of their classroom expeditions as well as through CBC and Electives. Examples of student service include spending time with seniors, reading to preschoolers at Head Start, cleaning up trash along the Boise River, and serving meals at the homeless shelter.
Sixth Grade Year of Service (SOS)
When students reach sixth grade, they are expected to develop and complete individual service projects that make a real difference in the world. Engaged in a full-year of intensive service activities, students identify needs in the community, develop the components of a successful project and find partners to help achieve their goals.
Some examples of past SOS projects include: Coordinating a blood drive for the Red Cross, maintaining and improving trails for bikers and hikers in the foothills, serving as mentors to refugee families and collecting school supplies and books to be shipped to Africa.
Junior High Service Learning
All Junior High students are expected to perform service to their community. This service takes many forms and is woven throughout the content areas of Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, Math and Spanish. Junior High students also have many opportunities for service as part of their Electives program.