4th-5th Grade Expedition
The Power to Change
Over the course of the year, fourth and fifth grade students will analyze the cultural and political development of the United States. Topics will include civic ideals and practices, the distribution of power, and how individuals and nations create change inside and outside of a government system. Our journey will begin with the colonization of North America. Students will continue to explore “Who makes the rules?” and “What is power?” as they examine the colonies’ quest for independence. A close look at early American life will highlight the injustice of slavery as an American institution; our investigation of the Underground Railroad will frame our understanding of the causes and effects of the Civil War. Throughout this historical overview, we will also highlight regional differences, industrialization, abolition, and national identity. Students will have opportunities to learn—hands-on—about our government and how American history continues to shape current events and cultural values.
Our science units will also reflect The Power to Change. In the fall, students will explore basic principles of chemistry and states of matter. In the spring, we will look closely at the social organization of bees–and the impact that bees and humans are having on each other and our environment.